Hey there, I'm Courtney!


I'm originally from a small town in North Carolina. I've been married to my high-school sweetheart since 2011. We have two kids + one pup, named Hamilton (big musical fan here!) I started my photography business way back in 2012. For the majority of my time spent in NC I photographed both portraits and weddings, and worked with clients in and out of my studio!

I became extremely passionate about empowering local moms and young women to better use their camera and take photos they love! In 2013, I created a basic photo workshop to help meet this need in-person and at a local, hands on level. Since then have mentored dozens of women who want to better develop their own photography skills!

In 2018, my life forever changed as our family of four moved from NC, where we had lived our entire lives, all the way to Des Moines, Iowa. The kids and I had never even visited the midwest prior to that first move and I fully expected only corn fields around us ha. I was happily surprised!

In 2019, I "retired" from my photography business for a bit so that our family could embark on two years of full-time travel together! THAT was hands down the craziest thing we had ever done. We lived almost entirely in hotels for two years straight!!!

We landed back in the Des Moines area in 2021 and I decided to begin pursuing my business again in 2022! I'm so thankful for your support in welcoming my business to the Des Moines, Iowa area. If you are also new to the area or just looking for a new photographer I would love to chat!

Behind the Scenes

Small Snaps from our Season of Travel

Have a Question? Let's Chat!

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